This is a year by year outline of all the projects that we started.
Because we build startups for our clients, there is some confidential information we are not able to share.
- for 1uptalent
Summary: Web
We banded together with some friends with the purpose of building a very simple tool for curating our «network of trust», in order to help entrepreneurs when choosing an external team or freelance.
- Ruby on Rails
- for 1uptalent
Summary: Web + System
A SaaS service to manage a number of docker containers in your own hosts, with the goal of making docker deployments and orchestration easier for developers. It was built around microservices and light message bus.
- Ruby on Rails
- Docker
- Google Compute Engine
- Redis
- RabbitMQ
- EventMachine
Summary: Web + System
Publishing platform for authors where readers can directly subscribe to individual authors, financing their work and building independant journalism without advertisers or editorial guidelines.
- Ruby on Rails
- Redis
- EC2
- HeyWatch API
- Twitter API
- Stripe API
Accelerator program for TopSeedsLab
Summary: Tech Mentoring
Helping accepted startups with their techological issues and decissions for 3 editions (2014-2015)
- Ruby on Rails
- Linux
- Python
- iOS
- Android
- Parse
- WordPress
Summary: Web
Subscription-based betting advice for sports. Tipsters can be compared and selected based on their past performance.
- Ruby on Rails
- Redis
- EC2
- Mailjet API
- Google Spreadsheets API
- Stripe API
- Paypal API
Summary: Management
Acting as interim-CTO and help in the communication/planning between the CEO/Business team and the external agency in charge of development
Summary: App + Backend
Hybrid mobile app for the sharing economy. Users offer and consume services from other users by trading their time. Directory of services, real time chat, transactions and ratings carried on the phone.
- Cordova Android & iOS
- BackboneJS
- Marionette
- Ruby on Rails
- EC2
Invoost App for Invoost
Summary: App + Backend
A hybrid mobile app for the Invoost stock trading simulation game.
- Cordova Android & iOS
Neupic App for Neupic
Summary: App + Backend
Hybrid mobile app for citizen journalism, allowing the creation of mini reports, picture upload… Media had the option to request specific content, rewarding reporters for providing it. This was an early form of the Neupic Pro platform developed later.
- Cordova Android & iOS
- Backbone
- Marionette
- Ruby on Rails
- EC2
EOpages for
Summary: Web + API
Evolution and support of a legacy codebase for a brokerage platform to help potential customers find suppliers whilst service providers will be able to promote their products.
- Ruby on Rails
- PostgreSQL
- Heroku
- Google Maps API
Neupic Pro for Neupic
Summary: Web + System
Two-sided marketplace for connecting reporters with media. Reporters can offer their content on the marketplace for the media to buy. Media can also request specific topics to be covered.
- Ruby on Rails
- Redis
- EC2
- HeyWatch API
- BrickFTP API
- Google Maps API
V1 for Hypernova
Summary: Tech Mentoring
Mentoring selected Talentum interns to help them develop MVCs for two products. Currently it is being reshaped into "Hypernova V2" (link)
- Ruby on Rails
- Javascript
- Python
- Django
- Parse
GusApp for Valioo
Summary: App
Hybrid mobile app allowing the user to quickly rate and organize their book collection. The app would learn and recomend new books, which could be purchased through Amazon from the app.
- Cordova Android & iOS
- Ruby on Rails
- EC2
- Espafil
- Amazon Product Advertisement API
Summary: Web+System
A real time, real data, stock trading simulation game. Price data for IBEX35 (Spain) and NASDAQ (US) were used.
- Ruby on Rails
- BackboneJS
- Redis
- Websockets
- EC2
- Paypal API
- e-signal API
- six-telekurs API
- Skrill API
Summary: Web
Garage booking service for Spain. Aquired by competitor
- Ruby on Rails
- PostgreSQL
- Heroku
- Dropbox API
Summary: Web / Mobile Web
A directory for local business with integrated feedback forms. The project made its way into Wayra (Telefonica's accelerator program)
- Ruby on Rails
- EC2
<NDA> for Nilistics
Summary: Consulting / Build System
Remote work with Seattle (WA) based company, mainly on Maven integration
- Java
- Maven
- Ivy
Summary: Web
Front-end work to build a graph visualization on top of existing project management data, allowing updates and additions of nodes.
- Linux
- Raphäel
- Javascript
Summary: Web + API
Decorapolis is a visual catalog of worldwide geolocated objects and ambiences, related to art, design and decoration. Regular users can spot anything, anywhere. Businesses can build and publish their catalogs.
- Ruby on Rails
- EC2
Zoomry for 1uptalent
Summary: Web
Zoomry is a tool to monitor and analyze twitter activity around an event. Most influential users and tweets are detected and displayed in real-time, providing a "second screen" for the event.
- Ruby on Rails
- MongoDB
- Twitter API
- EC2
Summary: Project Management + Backend development
During this multi-year project, we handled management activities and coordination with other partners, as well as implementing the backend solution for storing, searching and displaying the video-related information. Part of the european FP7 program, 2011-2014
- ruby
- C
- ffmpeg
- libav
- mongodb